Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Eureka, MO - Day 16

This part of Missouri is very similar to rural Ontario. Green, hilly with lots of farms. I didn't realize that we would be travelling through the Ozarks. But here we are.

We had a few seconds of excitement this morning.  A deer came bounding across a field on a collision course with us.  At the last second it veered away from the road.  Our hearts were going pitter patter.  We didn't have enough time to react.  Could have been disastrous.

These horses are in a field behind the trailer. The first thing I did when we arrived was take an antihistamine. There is also an old cemetery adjacent to the campground.

View from our campsite.

Tomorrow first thing we are travelling through St. Louis. My least favourite thing - large city. Oh well, we'll wait until after the morning rush and get it out of the way. Our drive will be one of our longest. Still shorter than several of the days travelling through northern Ontario last fall. We're getting closer to home. Woo hoo!

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