Monday, January 23, 2012

What a Difference Five Days Makes

On January 18th we had a taste of winter. It was a winter wonderland outside.

Fast forward to today. Back to our Vancouver Island winter.

Almost all the snow has melted and it is 7 degrees Celsius.

We went on a field trip for our hike this morning.  Thirteen of us travelled about an hour south of Nanaimo.  The plan was to hike a portion of the TransCanada Trail near Shawnigan Lake.  This bit of the trail leads to the Kinsol Trestle.  This trestle was a railway bridge and is one of the highest in the world.  It is the highest trestle bridge in the Commonwealth.  The bridge needed to be restored to make it safe for hikers.  The project cost almost 4 million dollars.

This was a great trail but the snow is still there and has melted into an icy mess.  I really need waterproof hiking boots with good treads.  Thank god, I got hiking poles for Christmas.  Without them, I wouldn't have been able to participate.

Since it was a long distance commute to our hiking trail, we planned a group pub lunch.  Great fun and good food! 

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

It's a Snowy, Snowy Day!

Today we had to be out the door by 7:15am.  The truck had a maintenance appointment.  However we awoke to a white world.  Being from the true north we were undaunted and set out.  Well we made it about half way up the highway.  It was dark, very snowy and slippery.  The roads were not plowed, salted or sanded.  Very scary.  We decided not to go any further and rebooked for next week.

Safely back at home, we fed the birds and sat back to watch the show at the feeders.  Very entertaining

Our snowy weather might last for a couple of days before the rain returns.  Life is good as I sit here enjoying the birds and watching the world pass by.  Two freighters have sailed past in the last 10 minutes.  I don't usually sit with my chair facing out the back window.  It's very interesting.

Chickadee enjoying suet on my wreath

Orange bird is a varied thrush - I think

The whole clan

What kind of bird is this?

It's a flicker.  How beautiful.
Until next time, we'll enjoy our little taste of winter.  I'm going to go bake some apple crisp.  Cold weather always makes me want to bake.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Another Great Week!

Last Thursday a large group of Snowbirds from Living Forest Campground went out for lunch.  There were nineteen of us in the group.  No-one remembered to bring a camera.  We went to the Hong Kong House.  The buffet was delicious and the company entertaining.

We went out for brunch on Sunday morning. The Moose Club was holding a pancake breakfast. Apparently they do this once a month. The breakfast included pancakes, eggs, bacon and sausage. It was very reasonably priced and the hall is just down the road. We'll be back.

Janet and Terry

Wayne and Kim
We had a special guest guide for our hike today.  Colin is an avid birdwatcher who owns a store here in Nanaimo - The Backyard Wild Bird and Nature Store.  We hiked around Living Forest Campground discovering birds in several different habitats.  The group started off just outside the park near a beaver dam.  We then meandered along the park's edge down to the Chase River and then through the park to the ocean lookout.  It was a very interesting and informative morning.
Colin - our guest guide

Looking for birds

A group of Mallard ducks
This iron ring is a very strange site.  Years ago a manufacturing operation was located here.  When the site was cleaned up this was left behind.  It seems like a strange sculpture.  In reality, it would be laid flat, filled with cement and surrounded by a bumper material.  It would then be anchored in the ocean  as a guide for docking ferries and barges.  I thought it had something to do with logging.  What do I know?

This bird is carved into a rock cliff along the river's edge.  Very beautiful.

BC Iceberg floating along the river

Group photo at the lookout
So to recap, today we saw Kingfishers, ducks, finches, red wing blackbirds, robins, hairy woodpecker, eagles, hawks and a green heron. There were also some other small birds whose name I can't remember. A great day!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Not The Birds and Bees - But Birds, Trees, and Flowers

Friday was Pub Day. Janet, Terry, Wayne and I enjoyed a delicious lunch at the Lighthouse Bistro.  This pub is right downtown on the harbour front.  We had a good view of the marina and seaplanes.  There were lots of flights landing and taking off.  Before lunch, Wayne and I strolled the boardwalk enjoying the view including these beautiful roses.

January 6th - Roses in Bloom

City gardeners hard at work

Red wing blackbirds - They ate everything in our feeders.

Monday, otherwise known as Hike Day, we visited the Linley Valley. This valley is about 500 acres right in the city bordered by residential neighbourhoods.  It is so peaceful and quiet.  Seems more like being in the wilderness.  The trail was very muddy as we had lots of rain last week.  This is a park still in development and the trails vary.  Some are boardwalks and others old game trails.

Our group shot for the week

Scott, Ben and Bev
We had to go under these fallen trees.  They blew over sometime in the last three weeks.  There are two trees in parallel.  I successfully ducked under the first and then my backpack got stuck on the second.  Of course I started giggling which made it more difficult to wiggle out.  But I did without having to kneel on the muddy trail.  Good times.
I started off dressed like Bev but shed layers as we went along.

Ben - our mascot.  He spends as much time in the water as on the trail.  Good hiker.

It's a beautiful rain forest.
These Monday hikes are becoming the highlight of our week.  Without a guide we would never have found so many beautiful spots.  Thanks to everyone from Living Forest Campground who have led our adventures - especially Scott.  Next week we are heading to Duncan and a piece of the Trans Canada Trail.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy New Years - Let's Go Hiking

Wishing everyone a happy and healthy 2012.  We celebrated New Year's Eve with fellow snowbirds at the clubhouse.  Lots of yummy snacks, friends and even some card playing. Wayne and I had lots of fun but didn't quite make it to BC new year.  We celebrated Alberta new year instead.

New Year's Day Janet and Terry came over for dinner.  I made ham, potatoes,carrots and a pumpkin square.  Three days later and we are still eating ham.  Enough already.

On Monday, our hiking group resumed.  We went to Neck Point.  Funnily, Wayne and I had gone hiking there on the previous Saturday.  It is one of our favourite parks in Nanaimo. 

I'm liking my new hiking poles - Christmas gift

Last week we made a brief pit stop at Invermere Beach Park.  However, at high tide there is no beach - just a steep cliff with over 80 steps to the water.

Lots and lots of water
On another note, I finally finished a couple of quilting projects.

Toss cushion and bag for my cross stitch frame
Finishing off, Wayne relaxing in his snuggie. We love our snuggies. Thanks Ian and Amy.