Monday, March 24, 2014

Meanwhile... Back At The Ranch

Or trailer as the case may be.

The drive from San Antonio was long and pretty boring.  Of course, I was stuck in the back seat and couldn't see much.  The highlight ( actually lowlight) of the trip was a pee break at the most disgusting bathroom I have seen in quite awhile.  Oh well, shit happens. 

Wayne had enough of being a passenger and insisted on driving all the way home.  ( I think that he just didn't want to sit in the back seat.)

The weather was not the greatest for the rest of Kathy's visit.  She did manage a couple of days at the pool and some bike rides around the park and along the levee.  We did some shopping and visited some favourite restaurants.  492 BBQ and Olive Garden spring to mind.

Wayne had a follow up with his cardiologist which went well.  That's good news.

We celebrated Mardi Gras but no parade.  It was raining.  Just not the same but still fun.

492 BBQ with cousins Jackie and Wayne

We went to Mexico on a girl's day out.  Totally different than when the guys are along.  Lots more shopping.  Had a great lunch at Arturo's.  Dessert was kind of strange but interesting.  Fun day.

Ruth and Judith having a coffee break

Amazing Ceramics

This was supposed to be Baked Alaska?
Kathy organized a happy hour to celebrate my birthday.  Yet again, the weather was non-cooperative.  So we moved into the rec hall.  Thanks Kate.

Waiting for our guests

Lots of yummy snacks and a DQ ice cream birthday cake. 
And so ends Kathy's visit for this winter.  We took her to the airport at some ungodly hour and she started her travels homeward.  It was a very long day that began at 4:30 am and didn't finish until 11:30 pm.  Equipment problems and plane delays.  No fun at all.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Let's Play Catch Up

I know, I know.  It's been a month or more since my last blog.  (Man that sounds like being in confession)  We have been taking each day as it comes.  Some are adventurous, some quiet.  Some days have cold weather and some have nice warm temps.

Kathy came for a visit.  With the doctor's permission, Wayne and I headed up to San Antonio to meet her.  Just about gave Wayne another heart attack to let me drive most of the way there.  He drove the first 15 minutes and the last half hour. 

Kathy's plane arrived and we all checked into a nearby motel.  Friends Nancy and Nick were visiting some of Nancy's relatives.  We all met for supper at the Texas Land and Cattle Company restaurant.

Great company and delicious food
 Next morning, bright and early, we headed to the Alamo which is located downtown.  We spent at least 3 hours  checking out the historic site.  I learned that Davy Crockett made a speech in parliament after the troops trapped in the Alamo sent for help.  The gov't wasn't too willing to help.  He said "You can all go to Hell.  I'm going to Texas."  This has become my new mantra.
A couple of southern belles.

The Alamo consisted of more than this building.  There were barracks, kitchens etc. inside the wall.  This building is the chapel and the building that everyone thinks of as the Alamo.  The women and children stayed in one very small room for safety during the siege.

Next up was a boat ride on the river.  The river walk is very famous.  The river system travel through the downtown area for miles and has been developed as a tourist attraction with many restaurants and shops.  Beautiful.  Even includes a mall with the canal flowing through.

River Center Mall

Tour Boats waiting for us to load

A bell for each of the five missions in San Antonio

Checking out the sights from the river
By this time we were getting hungry.  After disembarking from the boat, we wandered along the waterway to one of the cafes.

Great lunch included crispy tortilla strips and fresh guacamole made table side.  Delish.
Pointing something out along the river.
 The next day we completed our short tour of San Antonio with stops at a great bead store and Trader Joe's.  Trader Joe's is a chain of grocery stores with a boutique feel.  They stock many interesting products not easily found elsewhere.  Also the home of $2 buck Chuck wine. (Although it costs $3 now) lol

Next up - Back in Mission....