Saturday, September 24, 2011

Day Ten - Billings, Montana

Montana's logo is Big Sky Country.  Boy is it appropriate.

So awe inspiring!
Thought this was funny - casino and church - side by side
Lots of cattle ranches
So here we are in Billings.  The first service appointment at the RV place is two weeks from now.  They may be able to fit us in Monday afternoon.  We did manage to get the part we need.  In order to install it we have to jack up the trailer somehow.  There is a mobile repair guy, but he doesn't work on the weekend.  We left a message and hope he gets back to us early Monday.  We may be developing large arm muscles in the near future.  So long story short, we are here until at least Monday.  At least the truck is fixed and Billings is a nice town.

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