Sunday, September 25, 2011

Day 11 - Still in Billings, Montana

Life is good.  Today we were killing time waiting to get in touch with an RV tech on Monday.

We got up and went to Denny's for breakfast.  First time this trip to eat at Denny's.  You all know how much we enjoy this.  Then we spent time at 2 hardware stores, a grocery store and a car wash.  Covered pretty near the whole town wandering. 

At home I decided to do laundry and Wayne was fiddling with the landing gear thing.  Couldn't clamp it tight enough to stop motor from moving.  While in casual conversation with a fellow laundry person, we discussed our landing gear problem.  Gary disappeared for awhile and when he came back he said that Wayne and him had fixed the landing gear.  Yeah!  Amazing how helpful some RV'ers are.  While sitting having a congratulatory beer or two, another neighbour wandered over.  It turns out that our two neighbours have worked together in the oil fields.  What a small world.  There seem to be several oil field workers in this park.

Last night we saw two deer wandering around the neighbourhood.  Amy, today I saw a peacock in the park.  It was missing most of its tail feathers.  Do they shed them?

Tomorrow we head for Butte, Montana.  Let's hope that's it for problems.

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