Thursday, September 22, 2011

Day Seven - Wall Drug and Rapid City, South Dakota

Our morning began with peaceful prairie vistas.  Mostly ranches with lots of cows.  The land was fairly flat.

After about an hour we began to climb a bit.  Not mountains - just hills.  We were approaching the badlands. 
Badlands on the horizon
Could you imagine travelling west as a pioneer?  These eroded hills appear quickly.  I think it would be devastating.  Apparently some pioneers decided to stay and farm on flat portions on the top of these bluffs.

Cattle ranch in the badlands

A huge tourist attraction in South Dakota is Wall Drug.  They have over 250 billboards.  The drugstore began in 1931.  In order to attract people to stop and shop, the owner decided to advertise and give away free ice water.  Remember this was before paved roads and air conditioned cars.  They never looked back.  Marketing is everything.  The drugstore expanded and evolved into this huge tourist attraction.  It's like the French River Trading Post on steroids. By the way, they still serve free ice water and a 5 cent cup of coffee!
One of the 250 billboards
Store Front
New friend
Wayne's just a little too friendly!  Get your hand off her knee.
Any kind of cowboy hat you want or need.
Wild Bill Hickock
Western art collection in the dining room
Part of the art collection

We had a fairly short travel day and thoroughly enjoyed our stop at Wall Drug. We are now in Rapid City. We are staying here for two nights. Thursday we are tourists again. We are taking a short side trip to Mount Rushmore.

Happy Birthday Herb!


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