Monday, September 19, 2011

Day Five - Jackson, Minnesota

Last night we stayed at a KOA right beside the freeway. Boy it takes some time to adjust to traffic noise after spending the whole summer in the woods. Tonight's park is close to but not right beside the interstate. Not quite so loud or in your face. Besides, I've taken Tylenol and antihistamines as I feel a cold or allergies coming on. Seems to me the same thing happened last fall. Must be all the farms.

Speaking of farms, we've never seen so much corn in all our lives. I didn't know there was this much corn in the world.

This morning we travelled into Minnesota. The Mississippi River separates Wisconsin and Minnesota. Now we've crossed the mighty Mississippi twice in one year. Here and in Missouri/Illinois.

Mississippi River
Dam on Mississippi
Many windmills in Minnesota

Tomorrow, another new state - South Dakota. I think we will gradually move away from dairy and corn farms toward more ranching type spreads. Corn fields are getting pretty old. Ready for some new scenery.

The weather today was great. It started out pretty overcast but ended up sunny and in the mid 70's F. Wayne loves his shorts. Well I'm getting tired so ttfn.

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