Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas To All

Almost Dinner Time!  Yum!
Another festive feast at Chimney Park.  Delicious!

We hope that all our family and friends are enjoying their Christmas.  We are just kicking back and relaxing after our communal dinner.

Earlier, we celebrated with Matthew and Jovana.  They were here visiting for a few days.  We jammed in as much as we could.  The beach, Wayne's birthday, Christmas lights at Hidalgo, and an early Christmas.

Even I enjoyed a frosty brew at the South Padre Island Brewing Company.  The IPA was very tasty.

Strolling along the beach.  It wasn't sunny but it was warm.

Shopping at Jaws

Texas bbq experience at our favourite - 492 BBQ

After supper we went to Hidalgo Festival of Lights.  We rode through the town on a trolley viewing thousands of light displays.  So beautiful and festive.

It's time to open presents.

New slippers for Jovana
Wayne is tickled pink with his birthday present - a new weather station

Matthew and Jovana:  Hope that you enjoyed your brief visit to the Rio Grande Valley.  We sure loved having you here.  Come again any time.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Ogres, Elves and Cold Bugs

Ogres, elves and cold bugs pretty much sums up the week.

Started off enjoying a high school performance of Shrek, The Musical.  Well done, especially the dragon.

This is the first year of operation for Vela High School in Edinburg.  It is a beautiful facility.  The cafeteria is tiered with ramps and stairs between levels.  The stage is incorporated into the design.  Great use of space and design. 

Only one small issue.  There was no heat.  Probably an energy conservation program.  Wayne got a chill and was not feeling himself for most of the week.  Of course, just as he started to feel better, I get sick.  Thanks dear!  Also thanks to Rosemary for the delicious chicken soup. 

We also had a visit from some Chimney Park elves.

Such a Surprise

Later this week, Matthew and Jovana are coming to visit.  Can't wait.

Wishing everyone a happy and healthy Christmas season.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

A Week or Two Of Life In Texas



This season's weather is much different than last year.  Temperatures are swinging up to 40 degrees F (22 degrees C) in less than a day.  It is also raining on a regular basis.  End result is nice green lawns and not as many poolside days.  It's all good as long as there is no white stuff.

Early morning mist on the water.
Some days the air temperatures are much less than the water.  End result - fog and mist.

Wicked wind brought down this tree
One of the benefits of our lifestyle is celebrating not one but two Thanksgiving  Days.  Here at Chimney Park we had a potluck with over 60 people attending.


A few of our neighbours - Texas Longhorns
Our park is changing quite a bit.  We have new managers.  In addition several residents have invested in new rigs.  Most have bought park models.  It is a lot of fun watching the delivery and set up.  We are all putting down roots in this special place beside the river.

Special Delivery