Thursday, October 24, 2013

Everything's Falling Into Place

Well we had pleasant weather this summer, not too hot or cold, not too rainy or dry.  Lots of visiting with friends and family.

My mom continues to hold her own.  Lots of support in place - family, friends, PSWs, visiting nurses and cleaning help.  If it takes a village to raise a child, the same holds true for helping seniors.

Wayne and I continue to rust out.  We battle back with water aerobics for me and physio and massage for Wayne.  I really need to get back in the pool.

We have been saving air miles for several years.  Finally decided to use them to book hotel rooms.  What a deal.  Kathy cashed some in to fly down to Texas.  She wants to learn how to open up the trailer for the season.

Looking forward to meeting up with our friends in Mission.

Let the winter fun begin.