Friday, January 28, 2011

This and That

Last week we went on another pub visit.  This time by ferry boat.  We went to the Dinghy Dock Pub on Protection Island.  This is a small island in the Nanaimo harbour area.  About 400 people live on the island.  They mostly use bicycles or golf carts to move around the island.  The pub is the only commercial business on the island.  The pub is actually floating on the dock.  The ferry is for passengers only.

Wayne, Janet and Terry waiting for the ferry

Some of the boats in the marina

Ferry waiting room
Our table in the pub

My chicken slouvaki - very yummy

Wayne's burger and rings - Doesn't it look good?
This is a ferry to Gabriola Island entering Nanaimo Harbour. 

The same ferry as seen from our campsite heading past Jack Point to Gabriola Island

It's still January and the bulbs are sprouting.

This bush is flowering.  It's very pretty and seen all over town.

Flock of seagulls at low tide.
Mom - Wayne's enjoying his gift certificate.  We walked to Timmy's for lunch.

Monday, January 17, 2011

A Week In The Life

This past week we have been quite busy but with nothing too earthshattering.

On Monday I made homemade bread.  No bread machine.  Right from scratch.  It turned out very well.  Either instructions have improved over the last 40 years since I last made bread or I understand them better.  I used to just stuff the dough into the pans but now I know how to roll the fit.  The new way helps to eliminate air holes in your bread.  My recipe made 2 loaves.  Very yummy.  (I don't think that I am turning into a west coast hippy type - but you never know)

Tuesday, I went to quilting club.  I'm not quilting because I didn't pack my sewing machine.  I take my cross stitch and stitch while the ladies quilt.  The group is making a baby quilt as a group project.  It is very cute.

Baby Quilt in Progress

Penny and Helen cutting strips

Tuesday night the snow came. We received close to one foot by morning.  But by then the sun was shining and the temperature was rising.

Terry and Wayne contemplating the snow.

Terry and Janet live 2 trailers down from us.

By Wednesday the snow was shoveled or plowed out of the way.  We went to the monthly pot luck.  A good time was had by all.  However Wayne feels that there should be a sign up list to balance out the food items.  At  this dinner we were short of deserts.  Probably not a bad thing.

Thursday morning I hooked up our WII system.  Wayne won't let me use it to exercise with because I shake the trailer too much.  But at least we can weigh ourselves and check our core balance.  My weight hasn't changed much but Wayne has gained a bit.  Of course I need to lose a lot and Wayne just a little.  Every day we walk for exercise.  Sometimes just around the park and other times down the road to the shopping center.  Wayne goes again after supper.  My pace doesn't get his blood moving and I don't like to walk in the dark so this works well for us.  Wayne has loaded his old mp3 with songs that I like.  When I walk alone I can listen.  New experience for me.

On Friday we went to another pub for lunch with Terry and Janet (our neighbours).  This time we went to the Jingle Pot Pub.  The food was good.  I finally had fish and chips.  Very yummy.  This is the third week that we have gone out for lunch with Janet and Terry.  It's becoming a tradition.

After lunch Wayne and I went off in search of an optometrist because I broke the nose thing on my glasses that morning.  We couldn't find any place to fix the glasses but were successful in getting our prescriptions checked and updated.  Our new glasses should arrive next week.

Despite the snow, the weather is improving daily.  We have been above zero day and night almost all week.  The sun is beginning to shine more often.  It is so mild here that the grass doesn't die.   It just slows down its growth. 

Saturday was laundry day.  While I'm doing the wash, Wayne vacuums and cleans.  Great system.

Sunday we walked to Tim Hortons and then I had a campfire and Wayne watched football.

Today we slept in and then walked to Subway for lunch.  Then I cleaned the bbq and Wayne watched Bob Ross paint happy little trees.

Such is the life of two happy retirees.  The biggest decision we had to make today was which side of the street to walk on and whether to order a footlong (on sale) or a  six inch sub.  (We went for the six inch - less calories)

That's all for now.  Love always   Kim and Wayne

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Happy New Years

Let's start off with a greeting:
Wasn't that corny!
I have to include one more picture of the mountains with a freighter.  I never get tired of this view.  The mountains are actually on the mainland about 40 kilometers away.

To celebrate the new year, we decided to clean our living room carpet.  We have a Bissell Little Green Machine.  It works quite well.  We did the cleaning right before bedtime so we wouldn't have to walk on the wet carpet.  In the morning it was still a bit damp.  So we went shopping!
We got a rude shock today (Sunday) when we woke up.  The world was white.  Our awning was full of heavy wet snow and leaning over.  One of the arms came loose.  Wayne was outside in the dark at 530am adjusting and shovelling snow. Bah humbug.
I will admit that the trees are beautiful with their dusting of snow.  We went for a long albeit slippery walk this afternoon.  What  a winter wonderland!

Cheers everybody.