Monday, April 16, 2012

Settled In at Green Acre Park, Waterloo

We're all set up. Laundry is done and travel dust and grime cleaned up. The weather is pretty windy - gusts to 85 km/hour. So Wayne hasn't cleaned the outside of the truck or RV. Maybe Wednesday.
View from our dining room window
Wayne saw fish jumping in the pond at suppertime.  I believe the pond is stocked so the kids can fish.  Green Acre is a very pretty park and extremely convenient to Kitchener Waterloo.  But it doesn't have cable.  Boo Hoo.  Tomorrow we are going to try and set up our satellite.  Too windy today.

We went to Guelph and spent time with Mom and Dad. We also joined the library - only to discover that Wayne's new e-reader isn't compatible with their system. Apparently compatibility is coming - but when? For now, he can download to his computer and read from that.

Dad just recently turned 80 years old.  Man what a milestone.  He says he feels 80 too. 
Present from Dad
Dad carved this for us.  It is so cute.  It's about 2 feet tall and will look great at Doe Lake.  Wayne nicknamed him "Rat-bastard"  lol

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