Monday, April 9, 2012

Indianapolis, Indiana

Most of today's journey was across the state of Illinois. We are now just past Indianapolis, Indiana. We are getting travelled out. Feel slightly seasick from all the vehicle motion. We both seem to be developing colds or maybe allergies have kicked in. Anyhow, glad to be off the road for a bit. We are staying two nights here and taking it easy.
Lots of farmers working in the fields
The farms have changed quite a bit the last few days. Now the farms seem to be dairy farms or fields growing crops. Before it was mostly cattle ranches or crops heavily dependent on irrigation systems. Now the watering is done by Mother Nature.
Many small ponds or lakes along the side of the highway.  I wonder if they are spring fed as there didn't seem to be any linking rivers or streams.  Anyway they are very pretty. 
We came around a curve to see this huge cross.

Home for the next few days

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