Sunday, April 1, 2012

Deming, New Mexico

Most of today's drive was through desert similar to that around Casa Grande. But as we headed east there were subtle differences. We began to see some dry grasses and different plants. There are no more saguaro cactus and wildflowers are blooming. We even passed a couple of cattle ranches and saw a few horses and alpacas.

Although most of the drive was flat  we did climb a few thousand feet but very gradually.  At certain points we passed through rocky hilly country.
Interesting Rock Formations

Lots of Rocks

These rocks looked as though a giant baby had tossed his blocks in a jumbled heap. Don't know how some of the rocks stayed balanced.

Lots of Trains
In true RV campground fashion, the train tracks are very close.  I'm not going to be able to sleep in Ontario without the constant train whistles and rumblings.

It is very windy here in Deming.  Thank goodness it wasn't too bad while we were driving.
Wildflowers As Far As I Could See

Odd Palms? - Maybe Cacti? with a Scraggly Xmas Tree Shape at Top

Looks Like Something From Dr. Suess' Whoville
Having done some research, I think these are yucca plants.  The top growth is the old flower stem.  The yucca is the state flower of New Mexico.

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