Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter From Granite City, Illinois

Spring Flowering Trees
We passed at least 30 churches along the highway today.  Most of the parking lots were full.  I'd have to say that Missouri seems like the most church going state we have ever visited.
One of the many churches we passed
Yesterday, while at Bass Pro Sports, we looked at Tracker pontoon boats.  Lo and behold, today we drove by the manufacturing plant.  Guess that BPS is keeping it local.

Boats as far as we could see
Waynesville - just east of Wayne's World

Hilly roads with lots of nice rock - I think limestone

Mississippi River
We crossed over the Mississippi River leaving Missouri at St. Louis and entering Illinois at Granite City. The Missouri side is very urban and the Illinois side is rural and industrial.  Our park for tonight is in an industrial area but very quiet.  I did however spot train tracks behind a wooded area.  I'm beginning to think that all campgrounds are either beside a train track or interstate highway.  Sometimes both.

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