Monday, April 2, 2012

Albuquerque, New Mexico

This morning as we set off, we met up with an army convoy. The vehicles were staging at a gas station at the end of our campground road. One of the soldiers stopped to let us pass through the line. Thanks guys.
It's a Convoy

The first part of our trip was on a state road that saved us miles and avoided going through a large city. Highway 26 is a lovely road. We followed it for about 50 miles before joining up with Interstate 25. We have noticed that the interstates running in a north/south direction seem to be less busy than the east/west ones. Just a side note: north/south interstates end in an odd number and east/west interstates in an even number.
Passed this Solar Farm on Highway 26
Lots of beautiful scenery.  New Mexico is very hilly but the highway is not too bad.  No passes and only a couple of 6% grades.  Quite often we were on a plain with hills off in the distance both east and west of us.  The weather forecast was calling for scattered thunder storms.  We had a few drops of rain just after lunch but it held off  long enough for us to get settled at the Albuquerque KOA.  Right now we are getting some wind and hail or snow - ick!

We passed over the Rio Grande River several times today.  Do you know that this is the first water we have seen for a month?  Except in the swimming pool.
We passed by this town.  I was really curious as to how it got its name.  Visions of outlaws or severe weather ran through my head.  But no, when I googled it the real story is as follows:  In 1950 there was a radio contest.  The first town to change its name to Truth or Consequences (T or C as it is locally known) would be the site of a live radio broadcast of the Truth or Consequence show.  For 50 years since winning the contest, the radio host has come on the first weekend in May.  The town holds a fiesta.  By the way, Truth or Consequences was originally called Hot Spring.

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