Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Phoenix Desert Botanical Garden

We saw many amazing cacti and desert plants at the Phoenix Botanical Gardens.  The garden complex covers several acres.  We walked over 10 kms in the blazing sun.  Towards the end, I could tell that I had too much sun and Wayne found me a shady spot to sit for a bit.  We did wear hats and sunscreen and drank lots of water.  It was just very hot.  Normally we would do an activity like this in the morning, but the park was free to the public this afternoon.  So afternoon it was.  Lots and lots of people and kids as it is March break.

A few of the many wildflowers that bloom in the desert
Just about every river in this part of Arizona looks like this - bone dry
Another great day in the desert draws to a close. Life is good!

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