Friday, March 2, 2012

Las Colinas RV Resort

As promised yesterday, I have photos of the park.  Today was a day to check out Casa Grande - grocery store, Walmart, mall etc.  We had lunch at the Olive Garden.  Yummy!

Tomorrow, I'm doing laundry and Wayne is washing the RV and truck.  After that we can explore and site see.

We have signed up for a couple of things the park has organized.  Later in the month we are touring an olive processing company and a peach orchard.  We are also going to Tuscon to see a play.

Our site
It's so nice to be able to have the door and windows open to let the fresh air in.

Our street
Desert landscaping - a variety of cacti

Where's Waldo?

What kind of tree is this?  Hint - it smells wonderful!


Happy Birthday Amanda!

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