Monday, March 5, 2012

Getting Our Chores Done

The last few days have been spent doing household chores and cleaning.  I've done the laundry and sorted some cupboards.  Wayne has been busy washing the trailer and then today the truck.

While washing the truck, Wayne had a close encounter with a cactus.  He accidentally brushed his hand against a cactus and was stung about seven times.  The barbed spines pierced his skin and buried themselves quite deeply.  We haven't been able to get most of them out.  On the Internet it said to soak in hot water with Epsom salts.  If that doesn't work the spines will most likely infect your skin.  Sometimes that will release them.  If not it's a trip to the doctor.  Stay tuned.
Wayne's wounds

Vicious cactus

The weather has been great.  Yesterday we went to the pool for a swim and a bit of sunbathing.
Refreshing dip in the pool

Sunshine, G and T and a good book - can life get any better?

We have met some of the other park residents.  There are several Canadians from Alberta, Saskatchewan and Ontario.  Many American states are also represented.  We were supposed to attend a coffee and donut meeting this morning.  We got there late and missed the presentation on summerizing your rig for storage.  Next time we need to be more organized.

Tomorrow we are going to explore Casa Grande.  So far we have only checked out the main shopping drag.  Kind of reminiscent of the Golden Mile in Barrie.  Casa Grande got its name from an ancient Indian ruin.  It is now a state memorial.  Want to check that out.

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