Friday, April 8, 2011

Tucumari, NM - Day 12

Today I convinced Wayne that we needed to stop at a tourist stop.  Clines Corners is really similar to the French River Trading Post.  It was lots of fun to check out all the touristy goodies.  We each bought a t-shirt and some other items.

I am very glad that today was a short travel day.  We have noticed that the wind picks up each afternoon.  Today they are quite strong beginning as we finished setting up camp.  The breeze does a great job of reducing the temperature.  It was 85 F.   I got quite a dose of sun while we were travelling.  My face and arms are red.  They don't hurt though.

Undulating prairie grasslands

Cattle country

Still a few mesas

We have been stopping at rest stations all along the interstates.
Picnic shelter

Bathroom facilities

Me with lava rocks

Petrified wood
Thousands of years ago, trees died and instead of rotting away they petrified.  The tree feels like stone.  That's how dry it is.

Tomorrow is a big day.  We travel through 2 states - Texas and Oklahoma.  We will stop at Elk City, OK for the night.

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