Thursday, April 7, 2011

Albuquerque, NM - Day 11

As you can see we are still in Albuquerque.  While doing a vehicle check this morning, Wayne noticed the engine coolant level was low.  We had to take the truck in for service.  It took most of the day to determine that we just needed to top up the level.  They checked the whole system for leaks and finished at about 2:30pm.  The bill was very reasonable.

After returning to the camp site, I got out to direct Wayne.  Unfortunately I couldn't see the other side of the front of the trailer.  We backed into it slightly, gouging the fiberglass.  Between dinging the trim at the border and this incident the rig is looking a bit bruised.  Hopefully we can get it fixed while in Waterloo.

Today was laid back as we had no transport to go siteseeing.  We did laundry and relaxed.  Tomorrow we'll be back on the road.

I've been saving Route 66 pictures.  Today's the day.  These are either original sites from the "Mother Road" or modern sites built in the same kitchy style.

Drive In Restaurant?

Abandoned gas station

Old style motel

Trading post - old style

Many, many signs


Trading Post - looked like an old fort

New style trading post

Get your kicks on Route 66

More signs complete with a couple of horses

Casino with huge arrows in the parking lot

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