Thursday, April 14, 2011

Elkhart, IN - Day 18

This is Wayne determined to stay in shorts for one more day.  I think the hoody is a nice touch.  Oh, by the way, that is our sewer hose being stowed.  One of the least pleasant jobs to do.

We are now in Indiana, another new state.  I don't have a picture as we were in heavy traffic after passing through south Chicago.  I took one but too blurry to use.

We are in the Elkhart area.  This is where most RV's are built.  Manufacturers have factory tours, but we arrived too late to attend.  Next time.  This area is home to many Amish people.  We went for supper at an Amish restaurant and shop complex.  Supper was delicious and I also bought some quilting fabric.  Forgot to take my camera though.

We met a lady from Barrie.  She is opening an rv dealership with her husband.  They are here meeting with factory reps etc.  Pretty cool.

Tomorrow we will be in Michigan.  Our last state.  Then home.

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