Saturday, August 27, 2011

August - A Social Whirlwind

This last month has been jam packed with visitors. 
Marilyn and Tom

Marilyn and Tom live in Sooke, BC. We've been friends for over 20 years. They had a grand adventure this summer, travelling from BC to ON on their Gold Wing motorcycle. We'll see you in October when we get back to Nanaimo.

Wayne and Tom - Comparing tummies?
My sister, Kathy rented one of the cottages here in the park. We had a great time. Matthew and his girlfriend, Jovana came up for the weekend. Wayne and I had only met Jovana via Skype. It was great to meet you in real life. You are a lovely girl.
Brunch at Three Guys and a Stove - Yummy!

Matthew and Jovana

We had a great weekend. Lots of laughter, food and wine.  Jovana, it was even fun being trapped with you in the grocery cart storage shed during the torrential rain.  Ha Ha

On Monday, Kathy said that dinner was a surprise and it was being delivered. It drove Wayne mad not knowing what he was having for supper. Turned out that the surprise was a visit from Sheri and Kevin.
Sheri and Kevin

Kathy's tongue same colour as her hoody.  Good wine.

Taking pictures of the ducks from the dock.

The ducks.
Lots more fun, food, wine and shopping.  Did you know that there are at least six gift shops in Burks Falls?  We didn't know this but we do now.  We visited them all.  Also went to Danny's Justa Pasta for supper.  Delicious.  On a return trip to Dwight we went to Henrietta's Bakery, more gift shops and ate a great lunch at the Moose Cafe.  Thanks Sheri and Kevin.

On the 15th of August it was Mom's birthday.  We travelled to Guelph to celebrate at Golf's Steakhouse.  It was great to see everyone and hear all about The Wayne Lewis Family Trip to Europe.  All the luggage was lost, but the trip was great.  Unfortunately Andrea couldn't join us as she had to work.
Lewis Family gathered for Mom's Birthday

The two Waynes

Matthew and Amanda

Wayne, Daniela, Kathy and Dad

Dad with rice pudding - his favourite

Mom with birthday cake
Hope you enjoyed your birthday celebration Mom.  We did.

While in Guelph, Wayne had a followup appointment with his doctor.  He got a clean bill of health re recent procedure and is good to go for five years.

Back at home, we had a visit from Kailey (daycare child) and her mom and little sister, Jaden.  We spent time at the swings and swimming in the lake.  Kailey swims like a fish.  She stayed in the water with Wayne for about two hours.  She even swam to the swim platform and slid down the slide.  We had a great time except that their car wouldn't start when it was time to go home.  Our wonderful neighbours gave the battery a boost and all was well.  Except that Kailey didn't want to go home.  Lol

Kailey, Kristie, and Jaden



Wayne and I made a quick trip to Sudbury. I had to go to a dental specialist to have a root canal in a tooth that already had a crown installed. I was very apprehensive but it was painless. One more trip to my regular dentist to have the temporary filling in the crown replaced by a permanent one. Man will I be glad to be finished with doctors and dentists. I think we had more appointments this summer than in the previous five years. Hate to think how many more if we were actually sick.

We were invited to dinner and a sleepover at the Ablett's in North Bay.  The MacDonald family was also invited.  Kaitlyn and Andrew and Megan and Erin are all past daycare kids of mine.  I forgot to take pictures of the adults at supper - could the amount of wine I inhaled have been a factor?

Andrew, Megan, Erin, Kaitlyn and me

Ablett girls - Bella, Erin, Marilyn and Megan
Thanks for a great visit.  We'll miss you guys this winter.   PS  Took us two days to recuperate.

Doe Lake Campground Rizzort, Site 68 has a new resident.  Welcome Justin Beaver.

Thank you Sarah for bringing him north.  Justin was carved by my dad.  The log he is nibbling on is a real log chewed by a live beaver.  Our neighbour Al found it while out walking.  Thanks Al.  Thank you Dad for this cool carving.  We are having a lot of fun with him.

Wayne and I found time to go on a short hike in Burks Falls.

The trail is called The Heritage River Walk.  It meanders along a portion of the Magnetewan River.  This river is very long and winding.  It eventually empties into Georgian Bay near Britt.  In years past I believe it was a major transportation route for logging etc.

Well, that pretty much covers our month.  In a  couple of weeks we will be heading west once more.  In the mean time I will be busy planning our route and organizing what goes and what stays here or in storage.  Wayne will be busy checking and doing maintenance on the trailer and truck.

It's hard to say au revoir to everyone here in Ontario, but we also miss our friends and family on the west coast and look forward to seeing them again.

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