Matthew is a Master of Social Work. He graduated from the University of Toronto last week. And yes he is gainfully employed in his chosen field. We are so proud of you, Matt!
Wayne and I went to the convocation ceremony. We travelled by train, subway and bus. What an adventure in the big city.
It's official - Degree framed and everything |
Card imported from BC- bears a strong resemblance to Matt's previous wild hairstyle |
U of T is absolutely gorgeous. The university was established in the 1920's and the main campus is very traditional. Harry Potter at its best. Even has senior and junior common rooms, lots of ivy, stone, and arches.
After the ceremony we hopped on the subway heading to Dundas Square near the Eaton's Centre to have lunch. We dined on the balcony at Milestones, 4 floors above Yonge Street. Lunch was delicious and so were the liquid libations.
A little bit of shopping - I bought a digital picture frame - and then we headed for the bus station. After 2 large glasses of wine with lunch, I slept most of the way to Guelph. Apparently, so did Wayne.
Matthew is taking a well earned trip to Europe with Jovana. He leaves this week. Have fun and be careful.
Updating the last entry, Wayne is feeling better. His back is still somewhat sore but much improved from a couple of weeks ago. He is trying to take it easy and not strain it any further. The pain is on the opposite side of the surgery he had about 10 years ago.
We visited the dentist this week and both of us need further work. Fun and games.
Site 68 is looking pretty good. Flowers are planted, grounds raked and decorations abound. I will post pictures soon. I had better close now. I am writing this entry at the laundromat and clothes are ready to come out of the dryers. Bye for now.